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Craftsman 247.889330 Operator's Manual
Craftsman 247.889330 Operator's Manual

Craftsman 247.889330 Operator's Manual

10.5 horse power 33-inch wide cut mower
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10.5 Horse
33-inch Wide Cut Mower
Model No. 247.889330
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fumes and operating
Sears, Roebuck
and Co., Hoffman
IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our web site: www.craftsman.com
FORMNO, 769-02963


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Craftsman 247.889330

  • Page 1 SAFETY ASSEMBLY CAUTION: Before using OPERATION this product, read this manual and follow MAINTENANCE PARTS LISTS safety fumes and operating ESPANOL R 40 Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. Visit our web site: www.craftsman.com FORMNO, 769-02963 1/15/2007...
  • Page 2 Craftsman Two Year Limited Warranty If this Craftsmanproductfails dueto a defect in materialor workmanship within two yearsfrom the dateof purchase,returnit to any Searsstore, SearsServiceCenter,or otherCraftsmanoutlet in the UnitedStatesforfree repair, This warrantydoesnot include: Expendableitemswhich canwearout from normaluse withinthe warrantyperiod,such as rotarymowerblades,blade adapters,belts,air...
  • Page 3 This machine was built tobeoperated according tothe rules f or This symbol points o ut i mportant safety i nstructions safe operation inthis manual, Aswith any type ofpower equipment, which, ifnot f ollowed, could e ndanger the personal carelessness orerror onthe part o fthe operator can result inserious safety and/or property ofyourself and others, Read and follow a llinstructions inthis manual before...
  • Page 4: Slope Operation

    Ifthe equipment should start tovibrate abnormally, stop t he engine and Neverremovegas cap or addfuel while engine is hot or running. check immediately for t he cause. Vibration isgenerally awarning Allow engine to cool at least two minutesbefore refueling. trouble. Neveroverfill fuel tank.
  • Page 5 Sight and how this level with a vertical tree... 15°...
  • Page 6 This page left intentionally blank.
  • Page 7 WARNING This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal injury.
  • Page 8 IMPORTANT: T his unitis shippedwith oil in the engine,After assembly,see page 12for fuel and oil details, IMPORTANT:Referenceto rightor left sideof the moweris observed from theoperatingposition, The mowingdeck is capableof throwingobiects,Failureto operate the mowerwithoutthe dischargechute in the properoperatingposi- tioncould resultin seriouspersonaliniuryand/or propertydamage, Disconnectthe sparkplug wireand groundit againsttheengine to preventunintendedstarting, LOOSE...
  • Page 9: Final Adjustments

    mNSTALLmNG THE GEAR SHIFT LEVER Removethe 5/16=18 screwand the lock nutthat holdthe shift leverto theshift leverplate, Figure4, Removethe remainingscrewand nutfrom the lowershift lever plate,Figure4, Positionthe uppershift leverintoa verticalpositionaligningthe holesin the leverto the holes in the shift plate,Figure5, Securethe leverto the plateusingthe two screwsand two nuts removedearlier,Figure5, FINAL ADJUSTMENTS...
  • Page 10 Throttb/Choke Blade ControlLever Control GasCap DriveControl Gear Shift Lever Figure6 Be familiarwith all the controlsand theirproper operation,Know Be sureno one otherthan the operatoris standingnearthe lawn howto stopthe machineand disengagethe controls, mowerwhilestartingengineor operatingmower,Neverrun engine indoorsor in enclosed,poorlyventilatedareas,Engineexhaust containscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas, Keep hands, feet, hairand looseclothing awayfromany movingpartson engine The operationof any lawnmowercan result in foreignobiectsbeing and lawnmower,...
  • Page 11: Drive Control

    BLADE CONTROL GEAR SHIFT LEVER The bladecontrolis usedto engagethe Usethis leverto select anyof fourforwardgroundspeeds,neutral,or reverse, mowerdeck,Toengagethis control, pressand holdthe leveragainstthe handlebargrip,Tostop the blades, releasethe bladecontrol,Always disengagethe blade controlbefore startingthe engine,This helpsto ensure that the bladeswill not start turningwhen the enginestarts, Forward Thereare four forwardspeeds,Positionone (1) is the slowestand DRIVE CONTROL...
  • Page 12: Gas And Oil Fill°Up

    The operationof any lawnmowercan result in foreignobiectsbeing Be sureno one otherthanthe operatoris standingnear the lawn thrown intothe eyes,which candamageyoureyesseverely,Always mowerwhile startingengineor operatingmower,Neverrun engine wearsafety glasseswhileoperatingthe mower,or whileperforming indoorsor in enclosed,poorlyventilatedareas,Engineexhaust any adiustmentsor repairson it, containscarbonmonoxide,an odorbss and deadlygas, Keephands,I feet,hair,and looseclothingawayfrom anymovingparts Use extremecarewhenhandlinggasoline,Gasolineis extremely Oil Fill flammableand the vaporsare explosive,Neverfuel machineindoors...
  • Page 13 MULCHING OR SmDE-DISCHARGE MOWmNG Youcan usethe mowereitheras a mulchingmoweror as a side= Lookbehindthe mowerbeforeand during reverseoperation.Stop dischargemower.To usethe mulchingfeature,insert the mulchplug the mowerbladesbeforeoperatingin reverse. as describedbelow.Removethe mulch plugto side=discharge grass clippings. USmNG THE MOWER IMPORTANT:Alwaysreleasethe drivecontrolbeforechanging The mulchplug is designedto keepthe dischargechuteraisedup speeds.Referto "Knowyour Mower"sectionfor mowercontroldetails.
  • Page 14 Alwaysstop engine,disconnectspark plug,and ground against engine beforeperforminganytype of maintenance on the mower, GENERAL RECOMMENDATmONS Servicing the Air Cleaner Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhen performing any type of maintenance on the mower, If filters,or coversare notinstalledcorrectlyseriousiniuryor death • Thewarrantyon this lawnmowerdoesnot coveritemsthat have could resultfrom backfire,Do not attemptto startthe enginewith beensubiectedto operatorabuseor negligence, T o receivefull them removed, valuefrom warranty, o peratormust maintainthe lawnmoweras...
  • Page 15 Changing the Engine The oil in the engine shouldbe changedevery25 hoursof operation, Togain accessto the oil drainvalve on the engine,the right handlebracetubeshouldbe pivotedforward, Removethe upperstar knoband carriagescrewon the right sideof the handle,Figure11, Pivotthe bracetubetowardsthe front of the mowerto allow roomto connectthe oil drain hoseto theoil drain valve, Figure11, Pop off the protectivecap on the end of the oil drainvalve to Drain Valve...
  • Page 16: Removing The Belt Cover

    REMOVING THE MOWER DECK Whenservicingthe undersideof the mowerdeck forany reason,the Beforeperforminganytype of maintenance on the machine,wait for cuttingdeck shouldfirst be removed,Followthe instructionsbelowto all parts to stop movingand disconnectthe sparkplug wire, Failure removethe cuttingdeck: to follow this instructioncould resultin personaliniuryor property Stoptheengine,waitfor all parts to stop moving,and disconnect damage, spark plug wire,...
  • Page 17: Controls

    Before performing any type ofmaintenance onthe machine, wait f or Do not usea pressurewasherto cban the mower,it maycause allparts t ostop moving and disconnect the spark plug wire, Failure damageto ebctrbal components,spindles,pulleys,bearings,or the tofollow this instruction could r esult inpersonal iniury o rproperty engine, damage, LUBRICATmON...
  • Page 18 ..i_ i Neverexceedthe maximuminflationpressureshownon the sidewall of tire, REAR TmRE PRESSURE Therecommended operatingreartire pressureis approximately 20 psi for the reartires,Checkthe tire pressureperiodicallyand maintain equalpressurein bothrear tiresat all times, IMPORTANT:Referto the tiresidewallfor exacttire manufacturer's recommended or maximumpsi, Do notoverinflate,Uneventire pres- surecouldcause thecuttingdeck to mowunevenly, 4:•...
  • Page 19 SERVmCmNG T HE CUTTmNG BLADES Be sureto shut the engineoff and disconnectthe spark plug wire and groundagainstthe engineto preventunintendedstartingbefore Remove f lange nutto release blade removingthe cuttingblade(s)for sharpeningor replacement, P rotect your handsby usingheavyglovesor a rag to graspthecutting blade, Periodicallyinspectthe bladespindlesfor cracksor damage,espe= cially if youstrikea foreignobiect,Replaceimmediatelyif damaged, Useblockof wood to stabilizeblade.
  • Page 20 REPLACmNGBELTS Replacing the Deck Engagement Belt Stopengine,wait for all parts to stop moving,and disconnect spark plug wire. Releaseall mowercontrols. Removebelt coveras instructedearlier in this section. Loosenthe boltand nut holdingbelt keeperrodto frame, Figure23. Loosenidler pulley(A) by looseningthe nut and bolt, Figure24. Loosenidler pulley(B) by looseningnut, Figure24.
  • Page 21 Replacing the Bmade T iming Belt 1, Stop e ngine, wait f orallparts t ostop moving, and disconnect spark plug wire, 2, Release allmower controls, 3, Remove belt c over asinstructed earlier inthis section, Removing the Timing Belt 4, Remove spring ( A) f rom timing b racket and deck, Figure 25, 5, Loosen 3/8q6 screw and nut a ttached todeck m ount, Figure 26, 6, Pivot the idler t iming b racket (B) t oroute b elt a round idler p ulley,...
  • Page 22: Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Followthe maintenanceschedulegiven below,This chart describes Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all serviceguidelinesonly,Use the ServiceLog columnto keeptrackof controls and stoptheengine, W aituntilall movingpartshavecometo completedmaintenance tasks,To locate the nearest Sears Service a complete stop,Disconnect sparkplugwireandgroundit against t he Center or to schedule service, simply contact Sears at enginetoprevent u nintended starting, A lwayswearsafetyglasses during1 loS00o4oMYoHOME®.
  • Page 23: Preparing The Lawn Mower

    Neverstorelawnmowerwith fuel in tank indoorsor in poorly ventilatedareaswherefuel fumesmay reachan openflame,spark, or pilot lightas on a furnace,water heater,clothesdryer,or gas appliance, PREPARING THE ENGmNE PREPARING THE LAWN MOWER Forenginesstoredover30 days: Whenstoringthe mowerin an unventilated or metalstorageshed, careshouldbe taken to rustproofthe non-paintedsurfaces,Using Topreventgumfromforming in fuel systemor on carburetor a lightoil or silicone,coatthe equipment,especiallyany springs, parts,run engine untilit stopsfrom lack of fuel or add a gasoline...
  • Page 24: Sparkplug

    Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all controlsandstoptheengine, W ait until a ll movingpartshavecometo a complete stop,Disconnect sparkplugwireand grounditagainstthe Iengineto prevent u nintended s tarting,Always wearsafetyglassesduring _operation o r whib performing anyadiustments o r repairs, This section addresses minor service issues.To locate the nearest Sears Service Center or to schedule service, simply contact Sears at loSO0o4oMYoHOME®.
  • Page 26 33-inch Wide Cut Mower- Modem No. 247.889330...
  • Page 27 33qnch Wide Cut Mower -- Modem No. 247.889330 68_02277 LeverAssembly:LH 710-04187 Screw,HL: 1/4-15x ,50' 68_02278 LeverAssembly:RH 710-04312 Screw,HH Cap:5/16-18x ,50" 710-0449 Screw,Carriage:5/16-18x 2,25" 712-04065 Nut,FlangeLock:3/8-16 710-0599 714-0145 Click Pin:,092" x 1,64" Screw,TT: 1/4-20x 0,500" 710-0606 Screw,HH Cap: 1/4-20x 1,50" 720-0311 HandleGrip 1/2"...
  • Page 28 33-inch Wide Cut Mower- Modem No. 247.889330 ®...
  • Page 29 33qnch Wide Cut Mower -- Modem No. 247.889330 17840 TransaxleBracketMount 787-01473 BeltKeeper 787-01523 WheelDrive idler Bracket 618-04452 Transmission4-Speed 818-04438 DriveSpindleAssembly 710-0176 Screw,HH Cap: 5/16-18x 2,75" 818-04439 SpacerSpindleAssembly 710-0376 Screw,HH Cap: 5/16-18x 1,00" 931-04011 MulchPlug 710-04377 Screw,HH Cap: 7/16-20x 2,75" 687-02251 IdlerArmAssembly 710-0513 Screw,HH Cap: 1/4-28x ,625"...
  • Page 30 Briggs & Stratton 10.5 H.P. Engine 215702-0466-E1 lO_11_ 584_ 1264 1 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 5240 868 _ 1022 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 1266A (_ 15 e 6170 1022 691 (_ 1266 8420...
  • Page 31 Briggs & Stratton 10.5 H.P. Engine 215702-0466-E1 4_¢_ 238 ® 1O22 6170 1034 54_b 11036 EMISSIONS LABEL 1022 1023 305A 445% 37A _ 1070 78A"_ 1005 1058 OPERATOR'S MANUAL 1044_ 1330 REPAIR MANUALI 46SHORT BLOCK I 363 # 455_ 11329 REPLACEMENT ENGINE...
  • Page 32 Briggs & Stratton 10.5 H.P. Engine 215702-0466-E1 1127 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL 613A _b 987 @ 6170 1266_ 104 ,_ 634 _ 1266A O 977 CARBURETOR GASKET SET...
  • Page 33 Briggs & Stratton 10.5 H.P. Engine 215702-0466-E1 57 @ 4s9 _ 689 _,_ 1266A 456 _ ,o,o 1266_ 614_ 621'_ 507_ 334 _...
  • Page 34 Briggs & Stratton 10.5 H.P. Engine 215702-0466-E1 BS-699045 BS-690364 CylinderAssembly Screw(FlywheelGuard) BS-399265 BS-691178 Lock-MufflerScrew Kit-Bushing/Seal ( MagnetoSide) BS-391086s ° BS-695425 KitqdleMixture Seal-Oil(MagnetoSide) BS-697106 BS-690718 Sump-Engine Screw(ThrottleValve) BS-697396 BS-695408 Head-Cylinder Kit-IdleSpeed B%273280s °+ BS-694918 Gasket-Cylinder H ead Pin-FloatHinge BS-697109 Gasket-Breather BS-696136 Valve-FloatNeedle BS-697157 BS-698773...
  • Page 35 Briggs & Stratton 10.5 H.R Engine 215702-0466-E1 1022 BS-272475s Gasket-Rocker C over BS-89838s Wrench-SparkPlug 1023 BS-791079 Cover_Rocker BS-691691 Washer(GovernorCrank) BS-697122 Elbow-Intake 1026 BS-697394 Rod=Push (intake) BS-697395 BS-698413 Filter-Air CleanerCartridge Rod=Push (Exhaust) 1029 BS-691751 Arm-Rocker BS-695113 Cup-Flywheel BS-695128 Plate-PawI F riction 1034 BS-690822 Guide=Push Rod...
  • Page 36 Transmission EP-17488 70 6A MODEL and SERIAL NUMBERS HERE...
  • Page 37 Transmission EP-17488 TC_772147 TransaxleCover TC-792076A Washer,312"ID ,059" TC-790104 BrakeLever TC-780086A NeedleBearing(1/2"long) TC-770128A TransaxleCase TC-792177 Screw1/4-20x 1-3/8" TC-776395 Countershaft TC-792075 LockNut 5/16-24 TC-790025 BrakePadHolder TC_776409 OutputShaft TC-786086 Bracket TC_778364 Spur Gear (38%PM/SER) TC-778369 Spur Gear (15%PM/SER) TC-775146 Axle(10,719"long) (Incl,26) TC-778330 Spur Gear (11%PM/SER) TC-775147 Axle(15,312"long) (Inck26) TC_792180A Shift KeySet (Qty,2)
  • Page 38 (This page applicable in the U.S.A. and Canada only.) Sears, Roebuck and Co., U.S.A. (Sears}, the California Air Resources Board (OAF{B) and the United States EnvironmentaJ Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations) EMISSIONCONTROL WARRANTYCOVERAGE ISAPPLICABLE TO CERT!- YEAR 1997AND LATERENGINES WHICHARE PURCHASED AND USED FlED ENGINESPURCHASEDIN CALIFORNIAIN 1995ANDTHEREAF-...
  • Page 39 Look For Relevant Emissions E)urabHity Period Air hde× mnformation On Your Engine Emissions Labe_ Engines that are certified to meet the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Tier 2 Emission Standards must display information regarding the Emissions Durability Period and the Air index. Sears, Roebuck and Co., U.S.A. makes this information available to the consumer on our emission...
  • Page 40 NQmero de servicio ....... Cubierta posterior Garantia de dos a_os de Craftsman Si este productoCraftsmanfalla debidoa un defectoen losmateriabso la manode obra dentrode losdos ahosde la fecha de compra,sirvase devolverloa cualqubr tbnda Sears,Centrode servicioSears,u otropuntede venta Craftsmanen los EstadosUnidospara su reparaci6nsin cargo.
  • Page 41 Esta maquinafue construidapara ser operadade acuerdocon las reglas La presenciade este s[mboloindica quese trata de de seguridadcontenidasen este manual.AI igual quecon cualquiertipo instruccionesimportantesde seguridadque sedeben de equipomotorizado,un descuido o error por partedel operadorpuede respetarpara evitar poneren peligro su seguddad producir lesionesgraves.Esta maquinaes capazde amputarmanos y pies personaly/o materialy la de otras personas.Leay siga y de arrojar objetoscon gran fuerza.
  • Page 42 que e lmotor se ha apagado. Nunca coloque ninguna parte del cuerpo NuncaIleneen excesoel depositode combustible.Lleneel tanquea no el A rea de lacuchilla hasta que e ste s eguro que lacuchilla ha dejado de mas de _Jz p ulgadapordebajode la basedel cuellodel tap6nde carga, girar.
  • Page 43 © © © AHnee y sostengaeste nJvelcon un _rbol vertical... © a_.to iarg Odo ia o la esquinade una construcci6n... © "_ _ una cerca. /rhea PUntea j _,_------ o el poste de © © © _,--- .--_ .2 C__'_...
  • Page 44 Estes[mbolo[nd[ca[nstrucc[ones de segur[dad[mportantes que de no seguirse,se podrh poneren peligrola seguridadpersonaly/o la prop[edadsuyay de terceros,Leay s[gatodas las [nstrucc[ones en este manualantes de [n[c[arla operac[6nde esta mAqu[na,En caso de no segu[restas [nstrucc[ones podria provocarles[ones personales,Cuandovea estes[mbolo StGALA ADVERTENCIA Su responsab[l[dad: S61o perm[taque usenesta mAqu[na electr[ca las personasque lean,comprendany respetenlasadvertenc[as y las [nstrucc[ones que aparecenen este manualyen la mAqu[na,...
  • Page 45: Montaje

    I[_tPORTANTE: Esta unidadse enviasin aceiteen el motor,Despues del montaje,consultela pAgina49 paralos detallesdel combustibley el aceite. IMPORTANTE:Las referencias a los ladosderechoo [zquierdo de la cortadorade cespedse hacenobservandola m_quinadesdela posici6nde operac[6n, La plataformade la cortadorade c6sped puedearrojarobjetos. Encaso de operar la cortadorade c6sped sincolocar el canal de descargaen la posici6nadecuadapara elfuncionamiento,podr[anproducirsegraves lesionespersonalesy/o daRosmateriales.
  • Page 46 mNSTALACI6N DE LA PALANCA DE CAMBIO DE VELOCmDADES Extraigael tornillode 5/6-18"y la tuerca de seguridadque suietanla palancade cambioa la placade la palancade cambio, Figura4, Extraigael tornilloy la tuerca restantesde la placade la palanca de cambioinferior,Figura4, Coloquela palancade cambiosuperioren posici6nvertical alineandolos orificiosde la palancacon losde la placade cambio,Figura5, Asegurela palancaa la placa usandolos dostornillosy lasdos tuercasextraidasanteriormente, F igura5,...
  • Page 47 Palancade controldel Controlde regulador/Cebador lascuchillas ,_-_ap6n de combustible Palancade altura de la plataforma-- Controlde la transmisi6n Palancade cambiode velocidades Figura6 FamiliaHcese con todos los controlesy su correctofuncionamiento. S epa AsegOrese que ningunapersonaaparte del operadorpermanezcacerca de como detenerla maquinay c6mo desconectarloscontroles. la podadoramientrasarrancael motoru opera la misma.Nunca encienda un motoren espacioscerradoso en unazonacon pocaventilaci6n.El escape del motorcontienemon6xidode carbono, un gas inodoroy letal.
  • Page 48 CONTROL DE LAS PALANCA DE CAMBIO DE VELOCIDADES CUCHILLAS Useesta pahnca paraseleccionarunade cuatrovelocidadesde marchadirecta,neutralo marchaarras. Se usa el controlde las cuchillaspara engancharla plataformade la cortadora. Paraenganchareste control,presioney retengala palancacontra la empufladura de la barrade control Paradetener las cuchillas,suelteel controlde las cuchillas.Desenganche siempreel controlde lascuchillasantesde arrancar el motor.Asi se asegurade que las...
  • Page 49 AI operaruna cortadorade cespedes posibleque obietosextrahos Asegtiresequeningunapersonaapartedeloperadorpermanezca cercade la sean arroiadosa los oios, Iocual puededaharlosgravemente, U tilbe podadora mientras arrancael motoruoperalamisma.Nuncaenciendaunmotol en espacioscerrsdos o en unazonaconpocaventilaci6n. E l escapedel motor sbmpre galas de segur[daddurantela operac[6n de la cortadorade contienemon6xido de carbono,un gasinodoroy letal.Mantengalasmanos,los c6sped o mbntras la ajustao la repara, pies,el cabelloy lavestimenta sueltaalejadosde laspiezasm6viles.
  • Page 50 ABONO O CORTE CON DESCARGA LATERAL Se puedeusar la cortadorade c6spedtanto comocortadoraabo- Miredetrasde lacortadora antesy durante el funcionamientomarchaatras. nadorao como cortadoracon descargalateral,Parausarla funci6n Detengalas cuchillasde la cortadoraantesde operar marchaatras. de abono,insertela claviiade abonocomo se indicaa continuad6n, Retirela claviia de abonopara descargarlateralmentelos recortesde USO DE LA CORTADORA DE CE_SPED c6sped,...
  • Page 51 Detengasiempreel motor,desconectela bujfay haga masacontrael motor antes de realizarcualquiertareade mantenimientoen la cortadora. RECOMENDACmONES GENERALES Mantenimiento dem fimtro de aire. Respetesbmpre las reglasde seguridadcuandorealice cualqubr tareade mantenimbntoen la cortadora, Si se instalanincorrectamente losfiltroso las cubbrtas, se pueden • La garanfiade esta cortadorano cubreelementosque han producirlesionesgraveso la muertede las explosionesdel estadosuietosal real usoo la negligenciadel operador,Para carburador,Nointentearranearel motorcuandono est_n puestos,...
  • Page 52 Cambio de aceite del motor El aceitedel motorse debe cambiarcada25 horasde funcionamiento, Paraaccedera la vAIvulade drenaiedel aceitedel motor,se debe girar haciaadelanteel firante tubularde la maniiaderecha, Extraigala perillaen estrellasuperiory el tornillodel carro del lado derechode la manija,Figura11, Gire el firante tubularhaciael frentede la cortadorapara tenerlugar paraconectarla manguerade drenaiede aceite a la vb, l vulade drenaiede aceite,Figura11, Abra el tap6nprotectoren el extremode la vAIvulade drenajede...
  • Page 53 EXTRACCI6N DE LA PLATAFORMA DE LA CORTADORA DE CESPED Antes de Ilevara caboalgOntipode mantenimiento en la mAquina, Antes de hacercualquierfipo de mantenimiento en la parteinferior esperea que todas laspartes se detengany desconecte el cablede de la cortadora,se debe extraerla plataformade corte. Siga las la buiia.
  • Page 54 Antes d eIlevar acabo a lgOn tipo demantenimiento enlamAquina, No I[mpiela cortadorade cespedcon unalavadoraa presi6n.Puede espere aque todas l aspartes sedetengan ydesconecte elcane de producirdahosa los componentes el6ctricos,husillos,poleas, labuiia. S[ n oseobservan estas [ nstrucciones sepueden producir rodam[entos o al motor. lesiones personales odahos materiales.
  • Page 55 Nuncaexcedala presi6nmaximade infladoque se indicaen los lateralesde losneumAticos, PRESION DE LOS NEUMATmCOS TRASEROS ..J• La presi6noperativarecomendada para los neum&ticos traseroses de aproximadamente 20 p,s,LVerifiquela presi6nde los neumaticos regularmente y mantengasiemprela mismapresi6nen ambos neumAticos traseros, IMPORTANTE:Consultelos lateralesde las ruedaspara conocercon exactitudla presi6nmb, x ima en psi recomendada por el fabricante,No infle losneum_ticosen exceso,La presi6nde neum&ticos desigual Figura19 podria hacerque la plataformacorte el c6speden forma despareia,...
  • Page 56 MANTENJMJENTO DE LAS CUCHJLLAS DE CORTE Extraiga la tuerca de brida)araliberar lacuchilla de retirar la o las cuchillas de corte para afilarlas o reemplazarlas. Proteiase lasmanos usandoguantes gruesos o un trapo para agarrar la cuchilla de corte. Inspeccione peri6dicamente los husillos de las cuchillas para controlar si hay fisuras o da_os, especialmente despues de golpear un obieto extra_o.
  • Page 57 REE[V]PLAZODE LAS CORREAS Reempmazo de la correa de enganche de la plataforma Detengael motor,esperea que todas las partesdeiende moversey desconecteel cane de la buiia. Antes de Ilevara caboalgOntipode mantenimiento en lamb, q uina, Sueltetodos loscontrolesde la cortadorade c6sped. Retire la cubiertade la correacomo se ha indicadoantes en esta esperea que todas laspartes se detengany desconecte el cane de secci6n.
  • Page 58 Reempiazo de ia correa de sincronizacion de ia cuchilia Detengael motor,esperea que todas las partesdeien de moversey desconecteel cane de la buiia, Sueltetodoslos controlesde la cortadorade cesped, Retirela eubiertade la correaeomose ha indieadoantesen esta secci6n, Extraeci6nde la correade sincronizaci6n Extraigael resorte(A) del soportede sincronizaci6n y la plataforma,Figura25, Afloieel tornillode 3/8-16y la tuercaacopladosal montaiede la plataforma,Figura26,...
  • Page 59 PROGRAMA DE MANTEN(MIENTO Antesde realizarcualquier t ipo de mantenimiento o servicio,desenganche todos Sigael cronograma de mantenimiento que se presentaa continuaci6n, loscontroles y detengaelmotor.Esperea quesedetengancompletamente EstatabIas61odescribepautasde servicio,UfiIice)a coIumnaRegistro todaslaspiezasm6viles,Desconecte elcable de labuj(a y pongalohaciendo de Serviciopara hacere)seguimientode )astareas de mantenimiento masacontrael motorpara evitarquese enciendaaccidentalmente. Utilice compIetadas, P ara ubicar o( Contro do Sorvicio Soars m_s corcano siempreanteojosde seguridad durantelaoperaci6n o mientras realizaajusteso o para programar un sorvicio, simp(omonte comuniquoso con...
  • Page 60 Nuncaalmacenela cortadorade cespedcon combustibleen el tanqueen un espaciocerradoo en areascon pocaventilaci6n,dondelosgasesdel combustiblepuedanalcanzarel fuego,chispas o unaluz piloto comola que tienen algunos hornos,calentadoresde agua, secadoresde ropa o algQn otro dispositivoa gas. PREPARACI6N DEL MOTOR PREPARACI6N DE LA CORTADORA Para motoresalmacenadosdurantem4s de 30 dias: CESPED Paraevitar que se formegomaen el sistemade combustibleo en Cuandoalmacenela cortadorade c6speden un galp6nmetb, lico,...
  • Page 61 Antesde realizarcualquiertipode mantenimiento oservicio,desenganche t odos loscontrolesy detengael motor. E spereaquesedetengancompletamente todaslaspiezasm@iles.Desconecte elcablede labujfay p6ngalohaciendo masacontrael motorparaevitarqueseenciendaaccidentalmente. Utilice siempreanteojos de seguridaddurante la operaci6n o mientras realizaajusteso [reparac ones. Esta secci6n analiza probbmas menores de servbio. Para ubbar el Centro de Servbio Sears m_s cercano o para programar un servbio, simplemente comuniquese con Sears al tel_fono 1-800-4-MYoHOME®.
  • Page 62 (Esta p4gina se aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canadb,). Sears, Roebuck and Coo, U.SoAo(Sears}, el Consejo de Recursos AmbientaBes de California (CARB) y la Agencia de Protecci6n Ambientam de los Estados Unidos (ERA} Declaraci6n de garantia demsisterna de controm de emisiones (derecbos y obmigaciones de la garantia de defectos...
  • Page 63 Busque el periodo de duraci6n de emisiones importantes yla informacion de cmasificacion de aire en la etiqueta de emisiones de su motor Los motores cuyo cumplimiento con los est&ndares de emisi6n Tier 2 de la Comisi6n de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) est6 certificado deben exhibir la informaci6n relacionada con el periodo de duraci6n de las emisiones y la clasificaci6n de aire.
  • Page 64 Your Home For repair - in your home - of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement parts, accessories owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself. For Sears professional installation of home appliances and items like garage door openers and water heaters.

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