HP Data Protector Express Software
Tutorial 5 : What next?
What's in this tutorial?
If you have followed these tutorials, you will have familiarized yourself with the software sufficiently to
run a successful backup and restore. This tutorial briefly introduces some concepts that are important in
deciding what to do next and provides answers to some frequently asked questions.
• What next?
• FAQs
Part Number: BB116-90045 Second Edition: February 2007
Plan your backup and restore strategy
Decide what needs to be backed up
Distinguish between archiving and backup needs
Decide what types of backup to run
Decide on a media rotation strategy
How do I find out what license keys I have?
How do I enter a license key
How do I upgrade HP Data Protector Express Software Single Server Edition to HP Data
Protector Express Software?
How do I add options to HP Data Protector Express Software?
How do I upgrade HP Data Protector Express Software to a later version?
How do I assign a license to a certain system?
How do I create or change my password?
How do I enable/manage other users?
How do I see job status?
How do I know a job worked?
How do I find out what is causing alerts?
What do I do if backup fails due to open files?
How do I back up other servers?
How do I back up desktop machines?
How do I schedule regular backups?
Which media can I use?
How do I enable encryption?
How do I go from D2D to tape?
How do I back up to CD/DVD?
How do I add media rotation to a job?
How do I back up Microsoft SQL Server databases?
How do I back up Microsoft Exchange Servers?
How do I prepare for and carry out Disaster Recovery?
What is OBDR? Can I use it?
Can I manage without DR functionality?