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1) Confirm all nozzles print perfectly with Epson ink then remove cartridges from printer. If not all nozzles print fully or correctly with Epson ink, cleaning will be needed to get the print head in good working order before installing any third party ink. Please contact the Inkjetmall support department if you have trouble getting a full nozzle check to print, we can assist you with cleaning procedures.
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Q-tip then absorb any liquid using dry Q-tips. This is to avoid color staining in your CIS dampers and B&W prints. Note: photos below are not specific to the 1400, but this cleaning procedure is the same for all desktop printer models.
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7) Move cartridge carriage to the left, then slide dampers and tubes under bar (shown below) 8) Pull ink from bottles to fill tubes. To do this, squeeze the suction bottle and insert the tip of the bottle into the bottom hole of a damper. Press the tip of the bottle tightly into the damper hole to get a good seal then release the bottle so it pulls ink from the bottle thru the tube and to the damper.
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10) Push damper into print head. Make sure to install dampers in the correct positions in the printer and push all the way down for a tight seal. Once ink lines are filled and dampers are all installed in the printer, release clamps to open ink flow.
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13) Perform 2-3 Clean Cycles to purge Epson ink and fill printer with ConeColor ink, or 4-5 Clean Cycles when switching from Epson to Piezography ink to eliminate color staining in your B&W prints. Print a nozzle check prior to printing images to make sure all nozzles are fully printing and color is correct.
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To remove dampers from print head, use damper removal key as shown below When using Piezography K6 ink: please follow the chart below to install the six different shades of Piezography into the correct position in your CIS and printer. Note: shade 1 is the darkest and shade 6 is the lightest.