Tests the integrity of a flow metering system by altering a number of flow measurement
parameters and measuring the values returned from the flow measuring system. (52 pages)
SACE PR010/T unit (release 7.7) The SACE PR010/T unit can be connected to different types of ABB SACE electronic relays (also known as DUT) in order to perform tests, program and read parameters. Using a cable and adapters, the PR010/T unit can be connected to the test connector of the relay, installed at the front.
Cable to be used for the IEC version of the PR112 relay without key and for the UL version of the PR112 relay. 1.1.3 CABLE C The diagram shows an example of connection to a PR212/MP relay (only for the version with front connector). ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 4/29...
Perform the trip test with the circult-breaker Closed and the protection test with the circuit-breaker Open. The automatic test and manual test with the default parameters can only be performed by using the Electronic SET configuration for the relay (ELT) by means of the relative dip switch. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 6/29...
FAILED by the unit. This can be avoided by changing the threshold values of the protections and the test current. CAUTION The test with the default configuration is available up to version 7.5 (inclusive) ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 7/29...
If they are misaligned, an error message will be displayed by relays PR112 and PR113, and access to the menu will be inhibited. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 8/29...
Access the READ mode and select the page containing the contact wear indication • Turn the key to EDIT • Press the “Up” and “Down” keys for at least 5s. This will reset the contact wear and operation count indication. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 9/29...
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PR010/T unit. The protection and configuration settings can be changed to suit the installation requirements. • The EF protection must be de-activated beforehand in SW versions prior to 4.00, otherwise the test result will be negative. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 10/29...
Scroll the menu to display the data of the DEFAULT version (this function is available with up to 7.5 SW versions of the PR010/T unit 7.5). Use the and keys of ENTER to scroll the sections. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 11/29...
For PR010/T unit SW releases up to 7.5, the settings can also be programmed in the DEFAULT configuration in the operating mode and the test parameters in the DEFAULT configuration) The protection parameters can be programmed in the ELT configuration ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 12/29...
With PR223EF, the type of interlock for the IL protection (Driver), required for connection to relays of a different type, is available from release 3.01 onwards. Consult the manual of the unit for details. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 13/29...
Emax X1 series. The writing on the adapter of the connected device must point towards the device itself (the example shows how the adapter is assembled for a connection to PR332/P). Auxiliary power is not required for use of the above mentioned relays with PR010/T units. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 14/29...
Test only possible for relay versions with protections S and/or G Test only possible if the Rc sensor is connected CAUTION The Test menu cannot be accessed if there is an alarm or if the circulating current is not nil. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 15/29...
test (L1, L2, L3, Ne, Gte, V1, V2, V3). The phases chosen for the test are indicated by the “ ” symbol. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 16/29...
This test allows a simulated signal to be transmitted to the RC sensor, the current of which, when read by the relay, causes the circuit-breaker to open, thus checking the residual current reading functionality. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 17/29...
(e.g.: P1, P2, P3, Pt). If the Neutral voltage is absent, the only measurement available is the total (e.g.: Pt). Ig current is only available with the LSIG version of the relays. For the other versions, if indicated, it is represented by: “---”. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 18/29...
3.5.3 Statistics The statistics refer to: Contact Wear, Protection trip operations, Total operations, Manual operations, Failed trips, Trip Test trips. Relays PR121/P and PR331/P do not store the number of Total Operations. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 19/29...
(where the operation must be confirmed). The new parameters/data will become operative in the relay after they have been saved. • The keypad must be used for parameters that require alphanumerical characters (e.g.: CB TAG NAME). ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 20/29...
PR010/T. The Alive LED signal corresponds to a flash from the pre-alarm led every 3 seconds. The Default relay setting with Alive LED= ON. Alive LED configuration is available for units with 2.05 or more recent SW releases. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 21/29...
Select “Present” to select the presence/absence of a unit on the local bus: if no unit is physically connected, the relay will signal the correlated alarm. The Local Bus unit is available for all the relays, with the exception of PR232/P. ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 22/29...
The availability of some of the protections depends on the relay version: protections S, G and Gext are not available for the LI versions; protections G and Gext are not available for the LSI versions. PARAMETERS Gext ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 23/29...
0.1s Time 1.5s step 0.01s Startup time protection Gext: Startup current activation threshold not available 5% th 90% step 5% Threshold protection U: Control of unit contacts on local bus not available ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 24/29...
3. Download the corresponding file into the PC 4. Delete reports 5. Perform download 2 6. Download the corresponding file into the PC 7. Delete reports to free sufficient space for the report of a next test ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 25/29...
If both operations are performed correctly, the user returns to the main menu and will have to repeat the relay log-in. CAUTION For both operations, when the following screen page appears: “Switch off relay” means: “remove any Vaux present” Install/Disinstall done Switch off relay and press ENTER ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 26/29...
3.11.4 PR232/P and PR232/P-T8 Test N° Phase Value 0.5 In 3.0 In 5.0 In 8.0 In 12.0 In ABB SACE SACE PR010/T RH0029002 L4408 28/29...